Saturday, May 5, 2012


I was prepared to present for the Student Conference 2012 at Estrella Mountain Community College. It was a great opportunity to present my findings to the community of professors, visitors, and other college students. In the beginning, I was nervous, but the nerves quickly went away and I was prepared to share my journey at Phoenix College. It was slow in the beginning as people were coming in and looking at other posters. Eventually, people began to come up to my board and gave me positive feedback which was great. Everyone there was very nice and surprised that a high school student was involved in a college setting. Overall, I felt great and relieved that I presented even though it was just an hour.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello again

Well, busy, busy, busy bees we have been. Today was a Fantastic day! We went to Estrella Mountain Community College for our poster presentations. It was so much fun and when the judges came one after another, I was a little nervous. One of the judges said that everyone from Phoenix College was impressive and phenomenal! All the judges and guests said that they were impressed with my work and my mentors should be proud of us. :)

I haven't posted in awhile because of me having loads of work from my school and putting the finishing touches on my poster which turned out great were withholding my brain. Overall, I enjoyed myself at EMCC and proud of my fellow peers as well! :)