Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poster Changes

I made sure that I scanned my PowerPoint poster to make sure it was error free and made the changes after having Matt look over it and provided feedback. Some tips he gave me regarding my poster is that it is best to keep the writing in third person rather than first person, which I included plenty of 'I's. Next, he told me that I would need to include a conclusion in my abstract (about 1-2 sentences) which basically was the results I had with my experiments. After the changes, I uploaded my poster in Dropbox.

(Zoomed out image; my poster in regards to bioremediation)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cleaning Up

Today I had time to finish my internship poster at school and did last minute editing. I made sure that I highlighted the important parts of my project rather than having the whole Powerpoint that I made on there. It took me a while to finish because I wanted to edit the layout and make it more appealing and also difficult to include what I wanted while keeping spacing in mind. However, I now have a draft version of  my poster and uploaded it to Dropbox. All I need is for Matt and/or Josh to look over my poster and give me any feedback.

I also cleaned up all the current and past experiments that I have saved. There were things that I kept from last year which I had no idea I had. If I were to get a penny for each test tube rack placed away, I would be a millionaire. I probably had about 100 test tubes that I kept throughout the months. There were some petri dishes that needed to be disposed, but I finally finished up cleaning.

Lastly, I helped Josh making cadaver preservative with simple steps (because the instructions are labeled). 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It has been a while

It has been a while since I last posted on the blog and I apoligize for that but i have been extremely busy with all the school work and also all the project work that i had on my hands. This whole period that I didn't post was mainly focused on my project which had a title of algae utopia and basically what I was looking for was algal and bacterial growth and that took a good amount of my time because I had to search under a microscope and I dentify the different species that were found in the sample. Coming towards the end I had to create a presentation to show my school what I was doing and also how eutrophiocationp was impacting phoenix. After going through my presentation I had a sense of relief because I don't have to present again and I think that i did a pretty great job in my presentation. Now we are cleaning up our project posters so that we can display them in the Estrella student conference.

Repairing Damages

After a periodic time of presenting my project, I now have some time to make some corrections and include additional information. I am planning to attend the Student 2012 Conference on May 3, and this will be my third time having my project displayed/presented to an audience of people. After two presentations, I now have a good idea on ways to present my findings. I also worked on making a poster from all the information I gathered. This is my first time creating a PowerPoint poster, especially a large size, and I need to figure out what are the highlights of my project because of limited space. Once I am finished, I will upload a digital copy of the poster to Dropbox and have Matt and/or Josh give me feedback.

Monday, April 2, 2012


All these days were dedicated to wrapping up our projects and presenting to Mrs. Chapman, Josh, and Matt as well as my fellow interns. I made adjustments and printed out my poster for tomorrow's presentation at school.