Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not a light in the sky but you know the darkness will end

SO, I was taking dance classes this weekend and wound up signing up for 10 classes. (only 70 bucks, STEAL) But that and then getting my reminder that i start Co-coaching a kickball team starting on the 13th, I realized i'm quickly running out of time. With my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays blocked out because I am in class from 9 AM until 7 PM and then Tuesday and Thursdays from 9 AM until 5 PM, coach kickball on tuesdays 6-9 and dancing Thursday 5:30-7. I've run completely out of time, and I realize this while I'm hanging out at my boyfriends house and finishing some calculus homework. I just started this amazing relationship commitment and won't even have time to see him come closer to midterms and i'm swamped upto my chin in studying.

THAT LOOOOONG story, and shameless ego stroking, leads me to this research question:

How does your relationship status effect your studies and ultimately your G.P.A. ?

My first Semester of college, I had recently ended a very long relationship and put my energy into being awesome at school. With my G.P.A. at 3.8 currently, I feel very proud of how my efforts are being rewarded. So that leads me to ask the question my first of 3 semesters in single, great GPA, will that change as i try and associate more time to my boyfriend and ultimately less to my studies?

I, as well as my boyfriend Brian, am hoping that my GPA is unaffected if not raised by the end of this semester. Having him enthusiastically wanting to help me study for both my Spanish and Anatomy classes, as well as assist in any way he can with my research project, I'm fairly certain my hypothesis will be accurate. But how do other couples, in different relationship intensity, deal with the stressfulness of school, or are their relationships secretly self destructive?

So that's where I start and I'm going to talk with Chapster and Joswesome on Monday to see if this is the type of project i can do. It's not exactly anything that I'm studying but the interest is obviously personal and interpersonal relationships are the complete opposite of my studies but i would enjoy it greatly. So we will see how it goes. :-) G Money OUT lol

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