Monday, August 29, 2011

Wishing for the sun, the moon begins to set on the horizon

So talking with Joswesome today was very reassuring. While I was tediously cutting dialysis bags into exactly 18 cm, I threw out the topic and he was helping me fine tune to biological details. He seemed rather interested either because it's not a normal project or by the fact that it can go deeper than I previously thought. Either way I'm excited he's excited. Now to impress Chapster...

Josh and I discussed that most importantly would be making sure that I have a good control such as similar school and life situations.

(A Job, 12 credit hours, Age, Family size, Amenities / material possessions, Etc....)

And Josh also mentioned people in sports as oppose to not in sports. But along with the control there is the participant requirements. I know I would have to have questionnaires and pretty much ask every single student so I can find the set of people who fit in my criteria. More importantly to the whole project is the data collection.

Participants would have to meet weekly with me and I would ensure and promise a confidence so everyone can feel at ease but also have the subjects each have a journal of information. Such as amount of sleep, studying, work hours etc...

Josh had an interesting idea of seeing if we can measure the stress of each participant as well. Between video interviews, first hand journals from each subject group, and the end of the semester results, the project would be amazingly thorough and hopefully accurate. Josh did say it's not in my best interest to be a subject myself so I'll take that as a sign to just be the scientist :-) hopefully it works out. I would love to be testing behavior sciences this semester. But if not I have back ups ;-)  G- money OUT :-)

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